Sunday, March 4, 2012

Republican Logic

What is behind the thought process of those in charge in the Republican party? One must assume that there are intelligent members of this organization that are really interested in the success of the Republican Party. Should that be the case, can anyone provide insight as to why it seems like the goal of the candidates seeking nomination for President are continually alienating potential voters? Santorum has done his best to turn off people who are determined to send their kids to college in spite of his multiple college degrees. He has spoken against sex for anything but procreation. While claiming to be “blue collar” he has earned ten time an average “blue collar” income. Voicing opposition to those on the government payroll, Santorum’s father was a government employee. Republicans have alienated minorities, women, seniors, and virtually any other bloc of voters other than the extreme right wing of the Tea Party. From all appearances the only goal of any of the candidates is to try to appear more conservative and more Christian than anyone else. If you include all of the drop-out candidates, the view of the Republican party as expressed by the candidates seeking office is even more extreme. Then, include the policies that are at the state level and there is even more extremism. In a few cases, Republican policies are so extreme as to face recalls of legislation and governors who signed extreme legislation into law. In Congress, the Republican leadership claims to be for jobs but fails to produce a single piece of legislation to create jobs. The claim for deficit reduction is met by Republican members of Congress calling for more tax cuts. Their cries for health-care reform is contradicted by their attempts to return the country to no health-care legislation as is their attempts to gut any legislation to prevent a recurrence of the Wall Street/Bank failures. The Republican Party claims to be for less government; smaller government yet legislates intrusion into the bodies of women. How can Republicans hope to win elections by antagonizing women? Note: while posts on this site tend towards the political left preferences of the writer are more centrist. Unfortunately, the right center, formerly held by Republicans like Eisenhower cease to exist. To many on the left, Obama is more of a centrist than a liberal or a progressive and I tend to agree with this assessment. There is no longer a home for those whose political leanings find both extremes have gone to far.

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