Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Conservative or Competent

Listening to the Republican presidential wannabes, one might come to the conclusion that the contest for the Republican presidential nomination is a contest between who is the most conservative rather than who might be most competent as president. The last President was a self-titled “compassionate conservative”. Did this mean the three million Americans who lost jobs under his administration received compassionate letters from the President in the envelope with layoff or termination notices? Perhaps those who lost homes to foreclosures could look forward to sharing a cry with the president. What has being more conservative proven when it comes to creating jobs? How does being more conservative grow the middle class? Will more conservative prevent another war? Somehow it did not prevent two wars under the last conservative administration. What will the conservative position be on the issue of income disparity? Is there a conservative position that notes that the same people with the power to create jobs have also used that power to send jobs out of the country. How do conservatives explain the discrepancy between their claim that revenue increases when taxes are lowered and the reality that tax revenues as a percentage of GDP fell 39%, from 12.3% of GDP to 7.5% of GDP. When are any of the Republican wannabes going to show any sign of competence? While there are a large number of voters who actually feel “anyone but Obama” is deserving of their vote, it should be pointed out that once elected, the winner of the election then has to serve and govern. Anyone but Obama does not require competence but being President does. Does anyone really believe any of the “final four” have the competence to be President? Can anyone point to examples that attest to this belief?

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