Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Line Their Own Pockets

Ever wonder why Congress continues to push for lowering the top marginal tax rates? Have you thought about why dividends, capital gains, and carried interest are taxed at lower rates than wages or salaries? There is a very obvious reason this is happening. The majority of members of Congress all benefit personally by these tax laws. It is these and other loopholes that are used by the top 10% to reduce individual tax liability. The majority of Senators and Representatives are all in the 10% of Americans with the most income and are part of those who most benefit from today’s tax structure. Next chance you get look at the tax return filed by your congressional representative or Senator and you will see how they personally benefit from keeping a tax code that is over 5000 pages long and that favors the top 10% of Americans to the exclusion of the other 90%. In spite of all of the hue and cry about the evils of the federal deficit, no members of Congress are aggressively pushing for more tax revenue. To the contrary, they continue their claim that reducing the tax rates will result in increased revenues. This in spite of eight years that resulted in the nations biggest deficits. To make matter worse, they continue to try to spin the lie that reduced tax rates will create more jobs. Again, the actual result of the Bush tax cuts was the worst record of job creation of any administration since the end of World War II. Ignore history and be prepared to repeat history. The Ryan/Romney fiscal policies are guaranteed to benefit Ryan and Romney and everyone else in their tax brackets. The likelihood of you benefiting is slim to none!

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