Monday, August 6, 2012

Mitt, Mitt, Mitt

Now that you’ve returned from your great world tour, one has to ask, Mitt, where do you get your foreign policy advice?  Are the people writing your speeches and advising you regarding your interviews getting paid?  If so, by whom?  Based upon the results of your recent trip one would probably guess your advisers are all on the Obama payroll since someone with your business background would not be so naive to pay for such bad advice and such bad speeches.  First of all, insulting a host country is generally considered a no, no.  Unless your goal was to provide material for Jon Stewart and other late-night comedians, your comments regarding the preparedness of the London Olympics flopped.  In addition, while it is true that Israel spend about half the per-person costs on medical care as the U.S. you, of all people, should have known that Israel has national health program where every citizen is required to participate.  One reason Israel spends less than the U.S. is there is no for-profit insurance in the game.  If Massachusetts had a single payer system and if Obamacare had a single payer system costs in the U.S. would drop.  Also, it should not be a surprise to you that both Israel and Poland are far more socialist than the U.S.  In both countries, the government has financial hands in the welfare of citizens.  And, as another “by-the-way” the unemployment rate in Poland borders on 12%. If your purpose of going on your jaunt was to distract from the questions about your tax returns, it failed.  If your purpose was to demonstrate your foreign policy chops, it more than failed.  One final question, Mitt... In 2008 you personally spent millions of your own money trying to get the nomination for President yet, now that you are the presumptive nominee of the Republican party for the 2012 election, your personal expenditures have been miniscule by comparison to 2008.  What’s the story here, Mitt?  Does your business instinct and business experience prevent you from throwing good money after bad?  Are you that certain that you will lose that you do not want to risk spending any of your own money?  What’s the story, Mitt?

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