Friday, March 26, 2021

Thoughts and Prayers

The recent mass shooting in Boulder was at least the 246th mass shooting in the United States since January 2009, and that on average 805 people die by gun violence in Colorado every year.  Yet after virtually every shooting like the one in Boulder on March 22, 2021, Senator and Representative appear on camera offering their “thoughts and prayers”.  Based upon the 246 number it does not appear thoughts and prayers are doing much to prevent these tragedies.  How many more must die before something EFFECTIVE is done to put an end to this pandemic of death?  Perhaps if the Senators and Representatives replaced thoughts and prayers with votes to improve gun laws shootings like the one at Boulder can be prevented from happening in the future.  One thing is certain, thoughts and prayers will not stop a single shooting in the future and what is desperately needed is putting an end to this useless loss of life.


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