Saturday, April 17, 2021

Can’t, Don’t, or Won’t?

What is it with Republicans and the art of governing?  Is the problem Republicans just can’t govern or, Republicans just don’t govern once in office, or Republicans just won’t govern?  Actually is is probably a combination of all three coupled with a complete disdain on the part of Republicans for fact and truth.  Going back to the Reagan Administration and “trickle down” economics Republicans seem to have forgotten how important actual facts are when it comes to making important decisions.  The Republican approach appears to be first find a solution and then find a problem to which that solution can be applied.  Any facts that disprove the existence of a problem are to be ignored as are any negative thoughts about whether or not there is a problem actually in need of solutions.  Republicans can’t appear to govern when the problems involve people with low wealth.  Government cannot help people escape from poverty or attain better economic lives with government help because people in need of government help are not Republicans with Republican ability to succeed and Republican desire to succeed.  People whho need help will rely on government and never “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” in the mind of a Republican.  Republicans don’t govern because in the minds of Republicans it is not in Republican interests.  Governing in the minds of Republicans involves the focus of all solutions to all problems on those who need the solutions the least not the most.  For one thing, it is easier.  For another focusing on those who are most in need require knowing facts which, in the world of Republicans is a no, no.  In addition, governing Republican style means only helping people who can help re-elect Republicans.  The poor, the elderly, children, jobless, are all groups that cannot donate nor will ever donate to a political campaign.  Why should a Republican offer solutions to problems faced by people who will not give support in return for help. Republicans just won’t govern because to do so requires both physical and mental effort.  Republicans are lazy.  Republicans seek elective office so they don’t have to work very hard.  Republicans believe they “work smart” not work hard which is why they are in office.  Republicans do not believe in governing and will never believe in governing and if nothing else, this is a lesson taught by Trump and Reagan.


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