Mitch is at it again, making idle threats. This time he says he said, "Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth Senate would look like," he said. Without the filibuster, he predicted the Senate would be "a 100 car pile-up" where "nothing moves." Some Democrats are hoping to nix the filibuster, where a blown up filibuster is the GOP's "biggest threat in the short-term." McConnell threatened to push a long list of conservative policies with "zero input" from Democrats if only a simple majority is required. He listed defunding Planned Parenthood, penalizing sanctuary cities, and a national right to work law. McConnell continued by warning he'd require a quorum for everything, making past actions seem like "child's play." One question that needs addressed is how is this any different from what McConnell has done over the past twelve years? The Senate under the McConnell leadership has already been "a 100 car pile-up" where "nothing moves.” After the midterms following the Obama inauguration McConnell allowed virtually nothing to come to the floor of the Senate for a up or down vote. Since gaining a majority in the Senate with McConnell as Majority Leader over 100 measures, passed by the House sat on McConnell’s desk but went no further. McConnell defends the filibuster, and accuses Democrats of trying to fundamentally alter American politics. However, American politics desperately need altering. Republican do-nothing legislatures have resulted in a country governed by Executive Orders rather than Legislative activity. Law-making needs to return to Congress and will not do so as long as everything sent to the Senate either sits in the Majority Leader’s trash can or requires 60 votes for passage. Eliminating the filibuster will almost guarantee an opportunity to grant statehood to both DC and Puerto Rico. In addition to adding to Democratic registrations, the legislation, if passed, would also likely add four more Senators to the Democratic side. In addition, immigration reform and granting the opportunity of citizenship to Dreamers will also increase democratic voting strength. The passage of a major infrastructure bill will also be possible if filibuster is dead and will again appeal to far more Democrats than Republicans and help guarantee future democratic majorities in both the House and Senate. How will McConnell manage to block more legislation than he blocked using the filibuster? At the very least, the filibuster rule needs to be modified to require the Senator filibustering a measure actually stand (noot sit or lean) on the floor of the Senate and speak about the reasons for delaying passage of the measure he is filibustering. He must be required to speak on point and not read from Dr. Seuss or some other book not directly related to the issue at hand. Following the filibuster the measure should then come to the floor for a vote. The only function of a filibuster should be to delay a vote for passage of legislation until such time as the Senate minority has had opportunity to voice objections and hopefully convince other Senators to vote against the measure at hand. At no time should a filibuster require 60 votes for passage in the Senate. The Republicans already have an advantage in the Senate due to the basic differences between numbers of constituents in small states vs numbers in large states. Republicans want to expand that advantage by regulating and suppressing votes. House passed legislation needs to become law to prevent voter suppression and all of the other election day shenanigans. If Republicans want a majority Republicans need to be made to realize they need to stand behind policy and legislation that a majority of voters want. If Republicans are not prepared to make the necessary changes in policy or programs Republicans do not deserve to win an election. No longer can a political party dictate what people are SUPPOSED to want. Today’s voters know what they want and need and are no longer willing to allow a political party dictate to them contrary to their needs. Republicans have yet to realize that change and until such time as they learn to listen to voters will remain a minority party when it comes to national elections.
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