Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anyone But Obama?

The Republicans seem to only be able to come up with a single campaign plan...Defeat Obama. Since his election, the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell has stated that his only agenda is to see that Obama does not serve a second term. Throughout the Republican primary campaign every candidate had as his or her most pressing campaign promise the defeat of Obama. Perhaps someone from the Republican side can explain how the defeat of Obama will result in more jobs and lower unemployment. It would be interesting to hear how the presidential election will protect more houses from foreclosure. Will the 2012 election result in a flood of companies returning to the U.S. shores to re-energize the manufacturing sector? How will the 2012 election result in the reversal of income disparity and cause the middle class to begin growing again? What will happen on January 20, 2013, that will result in the federal debt being paid and the deficit disappearing? Will anyone but Obama repeat the policies of Bush43 that got the country into the mess it is in at present? If so, how will that solve today’s problems? If you vote for anyone but Obama, will you wake up on January 20, 2013, more secure in your job, with less debt, having your house appreciate in value, and with more customers for your business? How will anyone but Obama make your life better?

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