Wednesday, March 17, 2021

More Republican Definitions

Small Government, a Republican catch phrase, needs defining.  “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.’” With that famous line, uttered by Ronald Reagan on Aug. 12, 1986, during his second term as president, the GOP mantra for decades to come was born.  Whlie common sense would use the size of government as the important determination of the term, small government Republicans; by way of their legislative actions have a different definition.  For six years of the Obama Administration and four years under Trump Republicans have held legislative majorities and used those years to clearly define what Republicans mean when they say “small government”.  Republicans are not talking about size or the numbers of people employed by government.  For example, when it comes to military spending, Republicans want a larger military and always want to increase spending so the generals can purchase the newest and most expensive “toys”.  But, when it comes to filling the needs of non-military citizens small government actually means no government.  Small government Republican style means tax cuts for the wealthy taxpayers and for corporations.  Small government means doing nothing for the poor, dependent children, immigrants, and the unemployed.  Small government means if government helps those in need of help they will neither be capable nor want to fend for themselves.  Small government Republican style equates to no government.  The less money government spends on people in need means the more taxes can be lowered.  And, lowering taxes is the one skill small-government Republicans seemed to have mastered.  Dealing with a crises or solving immigration problems is beyond the Republican ability to competently govern.  Safe, fresh drinking water, the responsibility of government, whether large or small, is beyond the grasp of Republican governance.  Keeping lights on in cold weather, likewise, is beyond Republican competence.  So, take heed, America.  When you hear Micth McConnell or Kevin McCarthy sing the praises of small government you know exactly what they are saying... Small  Government means no government and when Republicans say, “I'm from the government, and I'm here to help,” be prepared for cuts in government services if Republicans are in the majority.



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