Tuesday, March 16, 2021

They’re On To You, Joe

Yes, Republicans are on to Joe Biden.  They know exactly what he is going to do.  Biden’s proposed (and already passed) legislation is aimed at one thing…helping Americans move into middle class.  And Republicans are very wise to those intentions.  Republicans have learned that you win elections not by doing things to improve peoples’ lives but promising to do things to improve peoples’ lives.  The reality is if you help people move into middle class you are helping people move out of slums and government subsidized living.  And you know what that means...landlords and owners of falling-down, insect-infested property like Kirschners will lose tenants and Republicans cannot let that happen.  Legislation focused on the infrastructure or legislation aimed at growing renewable energy will be disastrous because people will get well-paying jobs and you know what the results of that will be...no one will be left to do all of the shit details and that will force the country to look at immigrants to do all of the grunt work now being done by the Black and Brown people.  Joe you’ve tipped your hand and the very next thing to happen which would absolutely disastrous for the top 1% of wealthy Americans is your Democratic friends in the Senate will discover they have the balls to repeal the filibuster.  When that happens Hell will have frozen over.  McConnell will not be able to block sensible gun control that over 70% of the people feel they want and need.  What do they know, they’re just citizens and do not have to mount political campaigns or raise money from the gun lobby.  No Joe, it will not be America if the coal miners actually see hiring increase in mining country.  It will not be America if cities lose the funds going into parking meters around all of the welfare offices.  Joe’s intentions to grow America will go so far as to reduce the amount of SNAP payments received by WalMart and Krogers...UNBELIEVABLE!  The next thing that will happen is American voters will actually expect government to work.  What will late-night comedians do for material if there are no more government fuck-ups and major disasters?  Joe has lost sight of the big picture. I’m afraid and if more of his policies are turned into law the end of the world we have learned to live with over the past four years will become a thing of the past.  Only in history books will American school children be able to learn about the real art of politics, Republican style.  Heaven forbid, Democrats will run up deficits just like Republicans, but , again, heaven forbid, no a single major campaign donor will benefit from Democratic deficits.  Democrats will actually spend the combination of taxpayer dollars and borrowed money on much needed programs rather than tax cuts.  Blasphemy!  It’s not too late to put an end to this spate of competent, good government and it is up to Republicans to unite and take necessary action before the voters are coerced by the Democrats to expect competence from elected officials. 


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