Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day Seven... More lies to come!

Finally??? 10 More Lies From Romney 1. Romney's absurd lies that President Obama "wants" higher gas prices 2. Romney the Liar tries to be evasive about his tax and budget plans 3. Romney's attempt to bury his contribution to an anti-gay hate group 4. Romney lied about Obama and Harvard 5. Romney lied about unemployment among women 6. Romney lied about Obama's record on guns 7. Willard's INCREDIBLY lied that Bush had nothing to do with the economic meltdown 8. Romney lied when he claimed John Kerry Released 2 Years Of Tax Returns but Kerry Actually Released 20 years 9. Eric Fehrnstrom, senior adviser to the Romney campaign, said. "The only economic success that President Obama has had is because he followed Mitt Romney's advice," which counts as another Romney lie. 10. Romney contradicted himself. When first asked about going after bin Laden he said he would not spend the capital for a single individual. When asked on the anniversary of bin Laden’s death he said, “of course I would”. Which Romney would be President? Is this the last of Romney’s lies? Is the campaign over? Has the election been held? Anyone want to bet this is the last of Romney’s lies? Are his lips moving? Is he still talking? It is a safe bet he is still lying.

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